Friday, January 22, 2010

Cool Lite Would A Dollop Or 2 Of Cool Whip Lite W/ A Little Ice Cream Cake Mixed In Give An 8mnth Old Diarrhea For 2wks?

Would a dollop or 2 of cool whip lite w/ a little ice cream cake mixed in give an 8mnth old diarrhea for 2wks? - cool lite

I do not think about it. It was in my hand for 2 minutes at a family gathering, and someone whose children had never thought it would be a good idea.


Anonymous said...

No, it should not. The chances are that you have a cold or flu, which causes diarrhea. Just so you know, cool whip is not really a date. Unless your baby has an extreme sensitivity to dairy products, was not on any of the negative reaction to the cream and cake.

Anonymous said...

Diareha a child can be very dangerous. Use Peditrican immediately. This could be a serious viruses or parasites. Also check if you have a fever, and if you do, your doctor. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I would not. sounds like the flu.

Anonymous said...

I would not. sounds like the flu.

Anonymous said...

No, it should not. The chances are that you have a cold or flu, which causes diarrhea. Just so you know, cool whip is not really a date. Unless your baby has an extreme sensitivity to dairy products, was not on any of the negative reaction to the cream and cake.

Anonymous said...

No, it should not. The chances are that you have a cold or flu, which causes diarrhea. Just so you know, cool whip is not really a date. Unless your baby has an extreme sensitivity to dairy products, was not on any of the negative reaction to the cream and cake.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not go for 2 weeks. Stern could enjoy this day, but that's all. Think what you've started feeding him 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not go for 2 weeks. Stern could enjoy this day, but that's all. Think what you've started feeding him 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not go for 2 weeks. Stern could enjoy this day, but that's all. Think what you've started feeding him 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Diareha a child can be very dangerous. Use Peditrican immediately. This could be a serious viruses or parasites. Also check if you have a fever, and if you do, your doctor. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

No, it should not. The chances are that you have a cold or flu, which causes diarrhea. Just so you know, cool whip is not really a date. Unless your baby has an extreme sensitivity to dairy products, was not on any of the negative reaction to the cream and cake.

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