Sunday, February 7, 2010

How To Pronounce Conure How Do You Pronounce Conure? Is It "con Your" ..or "ca Nore"?

How do you pronounce conure? Is it "con your" ..or "ca nore"? - how to pronounce conure

It is with him.

I was not sure and had to ask (not Yahoo). : PI know Conure owners, breeders Conure, and a person he saw on television Conures and all three said something else. So confused. Then I looked into it.


wraith97... said...

Conure correctly pronounced with-Yur
say Caique pronounced Kie-EEK

Resident Heretic said...

Con-Yur is correct.

Now - how do you pronounce "film"?

(I have three, so I know how) ---: P

Angel's Girl said...

with its distinct is its almost at least what I think. grrrr my birddies IE and not down thumb me constantly bites me, I can be a good horse or a dog any day of the week for a bird can not bite, even met him when he is wrong.

kimba said...

With Su, the birds were so great! Hope you have a ..

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